アルベルトさん今日も素晴らしい記事をありがとう。6月下旬のニュースで私は面白い事案をみつけました。ウクライナの若いカップルが2月のバレンタインデーに互いの手首を鎖(手錠)で結び、片時も離れず生活するという「愛の実験」を始めるのです。2人は結局、実験開始から約4カ月がたった6月中旬、手錠を外します。同時に恋人関係を解消することも公表。ビクトリアさんは「私は生活を自由に送り、独立した人間として成長したいと考えた」と心境を吐露。常に男女が一緒にいることは不幸な人生になると証明したように私は思います⭐Thanks Alberto for another great article, I found an interesting case in the news in late June. I came across an interesting story in the news: a young Ukrainian couple began a "love experiment" in which they chained (handcuffed) their wrists to each other on Valentine's Day in February and never left each other's side. In mid-June, about four months after the start of the experiment, they took off their handcuffs and announced that they were ending their relationship. Victoria expressed her feelings, "I wanted to be free to live my life and grow as an independent person. I think I have proven that having a man and a woman together all the time is an unhappy life ⭐.