Amyさん返信ありがとう。『ジョーカー』はホアキンフェニックスの演技が素晴らしいのでお勧めです。社会問題も絡めて描かれているので見応えありますよ。サンタクルーズは晴天なのですね。Mr. Bunnyも元気そうで嬉しいです。こちらは曇天です。昨日は七夕(織姫さまと彦星さまが天の川を渡って、1年に1度だけ出会える7月7日の夜のこと。短冊に願い事を書いて、笹竹に飾り付けます)だったのですが星が見えなかったので残念でした。今日は美容院に行ってきます。Amyさん良い一日を過ごしてくださいね💛Thanks for the reply Amy. I recommend "The Joker" because of Joaquin Phoenix's great acting. It's also worth watching because of the social issues involved. I'm glad to hear that it's sunny in Santa Cruz and that Mr. Bunny is doing well. It's cloudy here. Yesterday was Tanabata (the night of July 7th, the night when Orihime and Hikoboshi cross the Milky Way and meet only once a year. Yesterday was Tanabata (the night of July 7th, when Orihime and Hikoboshi cross the Milky Way and meet only once a year, and people write their wishes on strips of paper and decorate bamboo branches), but I couldn't see any stars, so I was disappointed. I'm off to the hairdresser today, have a great day Amy 💛

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Miyabi's Movie Diary
Miyabi's Movie Diary

Written by Miyabi's Movie Diary

I am a movie, drama and game geek. I create cinematic stories. Thank you for reading.

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