Jul 24, 2021
Amyさん素敵な詩をありがとう💛エミリーディキンソンの詩を読んでいます。ディキンソンの生い立ちの解説も読んだのですが、彼女の生きづらい気持ちを詩を書くことによって解放していたのだろうと思います。まだ途中ですが、最後まで読むのが楽しみです💛💛Thank you Amy for your wonderful poem 💛I have been reading Emily Dickinson's poetry. I also read the explanation of Dickinson's background, and I think she was able to release her difficult feelings by writing poetry. I'm still in the middle of the book, but I'm looking forward to reading it all the way through 💛💛