
Amyさんお手紙ありがとう💛今日は仕事で炎天下の中を帰宅。夫婦共働きでcocoaとkurumiが留守番のときは必ずリビングの冷房はつけていくのに旦那がつけるのを忘れていました。リビングのドアが開いていたので、彼女たちは家でいちばん涼しい玄関前に避難。冷房をつけるのを忘れていたことを帰宅してきた旦那に伝えたら、案の定ショックを受け、落ち込んでいました⭐今、日本は猛暑の続きで大変です。Amyさんも夏バテには気を付けてくださいね💛今日も良い一日でありますように💛💛Thank you Amy for your letter 💛I came home from work today under the blazing sun. My husband forgot to turn on the air conditioning in the living room when cocoa and kurumi were away. The door to the living room was open, so they took refuge in front of the front door, which was the coolest place in the house. When I told my husband that he forgot to turn on the air conditioner, he was shocked and depressed as I expected. It's been a very hot and humid summer in Japan right now, so please be careful of the summer heat, Amy 💛I hope you have a great day 💛💛



Miyabi's Movie Diary
Miyabi's Movie Diary

Written by Miyabi's Movie Diary

I am a movie, drama and game geek. I create cinematic stories. Thank you for reading.

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